Mikleš J., Dostál P., Mészáros A.: Riadenie technologických procesov. STU Bratislava, 1994, 194.
Mészáros A. and Báleš V. (eds.): Advanced Methods in Process and Control Engineering. Slovak Technical University, 1996, 152.
Báleš V. and Mészáros A. (eds.): Environmental Engineering, Bioengineering and Risk Assesment. Slovak Technical University, 1998, 283.
Báleš V., Mészáros A., Muntean O., Polakovič M., Štefuca V.: Biochemické technológie. AB-Art, Bratislava, 2003, 128.
Muntean O., Báleš V. and Mészáros A.: Biochemical Technology. RSBB, Ed. Printech, Bucharest, Romania, 2004, 252.
Články v časopisoch /výber/:
Mikleš J. and Mészáros A.: A decoupling pole-placement controller for a class of multivariable systems. Problems of Contr. and Inf. Theory, 20 (1991), 291-298. (40 %)
Mészáros A. and Báleš V.: A contribution to optimal control of fed-batch biochemical processes. Bioprocess Engng., 7 (1992), 363-367. (60 %)
Mészáros A., Mikleš J., Dostál P. and Mizsey P.: Control of non-linear chemical processes using linear model-based algorithms. Hung. Journal Ind.. Chemistry, 21 (1993), 81-86. (40 %)
Dostál P., Mészáros A., Prokop R. and Bakošová M.: Self-tuning control of a continuous stirred tank reactor. Hung. J. of Ind. Chem., 22, (1994), 315-320 (30 %)
Mészáros A., Brdys' M., Tatjewski P. and Lednický P.: Multilayer adaptive control of continuous bioprocesses using optimising control technique. Case study: Baker's yeast culture. Bioprocess Engineering, 12 (1995), 1-9. (40 %)
Mészáros A., Lednický P. and Dostál P.: Two approaches to adaptive control of continuous bioprocesses. Chem. / Biochem. Engng. Quar., 9 (1995), 89-97. (50 %)
Annakou O., Mészáros A., Fonyó Z. and Mizsey P.: Operability Investigation of Energy Integrated Distillation Schemes. Hun. J. of Ind. Chem., 24 (1996), 155-160. (20 %)
Rusnák A., Fikar M., Najim K. and Mészáros A.: Generalized predictive control based on neural networks. Neural Processing Letters, 4 ( 1996), 107-112. (20 %)
Najim K., Rusnák A., Mészáros A. and Fikar M.: Constrained long-range predictive control based on artificial neural networks. Int. J. of System Science, 28 (1997), 1211-1226. (20 %)
Lednický P. and Mészáros A.: Neural network modeling in optimisation of continuous fermentation processes. Bioprocess Engineering, 18 (1998), 427-432. (50 %)
Mészáros A., Rusnák A. and Fikar M.: Adaptive neural PID control. Case Study: Tubular chemical reactor. Comp. and Chem. Engng. Sup. (1999), S847-S850. (50 %)
Rusnák A., Fikar M. and Mészáros A.: Receding horizon control using modified iterative dynamic programming and neural network models. Comp. and Chem. Engng. Sup. (1999), S297-S300. (20 %)
Rusnák A., Fikar M., Latifi M. A., Mészáros A.: Receding Horizon Iterative Dynamic Programming with Discrete Time Models. Computers Chem. Engng. 25 (1), (2001),161-167. (10 %)
Andrášik A., Mészáros A. and de Azevedo S. : On-line Tuning of Neural PID Controller using Hybrid Plant Model. Computers & Chem. Engng. (2004), 1499 - 1509. (40 %)
Mészáros A.,Andrášik A.,Mizsey P.,Fonyó Z. and Illeová V.: Computer Control of a Laboratory Fermenter using Neural Network Technique. Biopr. & Biosyst. Engng., 26 (5). (2004) , 331 - 340. (30 %)
Mészáros A., Dostál P. and Mikleš J.: Development of tubular chemical reactor models for control purposes. Chemical Papers, 48, (1994), p. 69-72. (50 %)