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 Martin Kundrát / prírodné vedy

Martin Kundrát

RNDr. Martin Kundrát Ph.D.
svetovo uznávaný paleontológ, pracovník Geologického ústavu SAV


1992 – Mgr. v odbore biológia-chémia, Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach
2001 – RNDr. v odbore zoológia, Univerzita Karlova v Prahe, Česká republika
2003/04 – NATO Science Fellowship program – Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT, USA
2005 – Ph.D. v odbore zoológia, Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Česká republika
2005/06 – Postdoktorantúra v odbore evo-devo biológia, Macquarie University, Sydney, Austrália
2006/07 – Postdoktorantúra v odbore evo-devo biológia, McGill University, Montreal, Kanada
2007/08 – Postdoktorantúra v odbore evo-devo biológia, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, USA



Kundrát M, Janáček J, Russell AP 2009. Developmental patterns of the crocodilian and avian columella auris: Reappraisal of interpretation of the derivation of the dorsal hyoid arch in archosaurian tetrapods. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society; in press. [IF: 2.290]

Kundrát M, Joss J, Olsson L 2009. Prosencephalic neural folds give rise to neural crest cells in the Australian lungfish, Neoceratodus forsteri. Journal of Experimental Zoology (Molecular Developmental Evolution; published on line DOI: 10.1002/jez.b.21248. [IF: 3.578]

Kundrát M 2009. Primary chondrification foci in the wing basipodium of Struthio camelus with comments on interpretation of autopodial elements in Crocodilia and Aves. Journal of Experimental Zoology (Molecular Developmental Evolution 312B(1): 30-41. [IF: 3.578]

Kundrát M, Joss J, Smith MM 2008. Fate mapping in embryos of Neoceratodus forsteri reveals cranial neural crest participation in tooth development as conserved from lungfish to tetrapods. Evolution & Development 10(5): 531-536. [IF: 3.733]

Kundrát M 2008. HNK-1 immunoreactivity during early morphogenesis of the head region in a non-model vertebrate, crocodile embryo. Naturwissenschaften 95(11): 1063-1072 + cover page. [IF: 1.955]

Kundrát M, Cruickshank ARI, Manning TW, Nudds J 2008. Embryos of therizinosauroid theropods from the Upper Cretaceous of China: Diagnosis and analysis of ossification patterns. Acta Zoologica 89(3): 231-251 + cover page. [IF: 0.937]

Kundrát M, Janáček J 2007. Cranial pneumatization and auditory perceptions of the oviraptorid dinosaur Conchoraptor gracilis (Theropoda, Maniraptora) from the Late Cretaceous of Mongolia. Naturwissenschaften 94(9): 769-778. [IF: 2.021]

Kundrát M 2007. Avian-like attributes of a virtual brain model of the oviraptorid theropod Conchoraptor gracilis. Naturwissenschaften 94(6): 499-504. [IF: 2.021]

Galis F, Kundrát M, Metz JAJ 2005. Hox genes, digit identities and the theropod/bird transition. Journal of Experimental Zoology (Molecular and Developmental Evolution) 304B(3): 198-205. [IF: 1.175]

Kundrát M 2004. When did theropods become feathered? – Evidence for pre-Archaeopteryx feather. Journal of Experimental Zoology (Molecular and Developmental Evolution) 302B(4): 355-364. [IF: 1.854]

Galis F, Kundrát M, Sinervo B 2003. An old controversy solved: Bird embryos have five fingers. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 18(1): 7-9. [IF: 11.929]

Kundrát M, Seichert V, Russell AP, Smetana K Jr. 2002. Pentadactyl pattern of the avian wing autopodium and pyramid reduction hypothesis. Journal of Experimental Zoology (Molecular and Developmental Evolution) 294B(2): 152-159. [IF: 1.488]


www.geol.sav.sk; www.kundratmartin.sk http://www.kundratmartin.sk/

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