1997-2002 Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, Prírodovedecká Fakulta, Odbor Molekulárna Biológia
2002-2005 University Of Vienna, Vienna Biocenter, PhD v odbore Molekulárna Biológia
2006 - Pozícia Vedecký pracovník PostDoc, Oxford University, Sir William Dunn School of Pathology
Gullerova M and Proudfoot NJ.
Cohesin complex promotes transcriptional termination between convergent genes in S.pombe. Cell 2008
Proudfoot NJ and Gullerova M.
Gene silencing CUTs both ways. Cell 2007
Gullerova M., Barta A and Lorkovic ZJ.
Rct1, essential cyclophilin from Schizosaccharomyces pombe regulates transcription through dephosphorylation of C-terminal domain of the RNA polymerase II. MCB 2007
Gullerova M., Barta A. and Lorkovic ZJ.
AtCyp59 is a multidomain cyclophilin from Arabidopsis thaliana that interacts with SR proteins and the C-terminal domain of the RNA polymerase II. RNA 2006
Verejne prezentácie:
2003 Wittgenstein symposium, Blumau, Austria
2004 9th Annual Meeting of the RNA Society, Madison,Wisconsin, USA
2004 Annaul meeting of Austrian Society for Biochemitry and Microbiology, Innsbruck, Austria
2004 Universidad Internacional de Andalucía (UNIA), meeting Coupling transcription and RNA processing, Beaza, Spain
2005 EMBO workshop: Messenger RNA 3’ ends, Oxford,United Kingdom
2005 Modulators of RNA fate and function II, Vienna
2007 Fourth International Fission Yeast Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark
2007 RNAQuality meeting, Aarhus, Denmark
2007 Chromatin structure and function, Antigua
2008 University of Edinburgh
2008 G0 workshop, Okinawa, Japan
2008 University of Vienna, Austria
2008 Asian Pacific Fission Yeast Meeting, Singapore
2008 Internship at Kyoto University, Prof Yanagida’s lab